Hybrid HSE Limited quality policy seeks to achieve sustained and profitable growth by providing world-class professional services in occupational health, safety and environment management which consistently satisfy the needs and expectations of our customers and other stakeholders.

The management is committed to achieving quality services delivery at all times through continual improvement of its quality management system by fulfilling legal and all other applicable requirements of our business, providing good leadership, adequate resources and the full implementation of this policy and quality management system.

We have put in place the following plans & strategies for achieving our quality goals

  • Focus on the process management model and continual improvement of the company services in accordance with global requirements
  • Satisfaction of internal and external customers’ requirements to all services.
  • Fulfillment of the customers’ requirements within the shortest periods of time, ensuring highest quality.
  • Continuous cooperation with customers in order to understand their needs.
  • Complying with applicable regulatory requirements and the requirements of awarding and professional bodies
  • Consistent training of all personnel in the sphere of quality, each employee’s participation in services improvement, rewards for quality improvement.


All levels of employees in the company will be made to understand and fulfill their assigned roles and responsibilities as pertaining to the implementation of this policy, while the management team will be accountable for ensuring that the quality management system functions as designed.

To ensure the ongoing suitability and the continual improvement of our quality performance, this policy will be reviewed on an annual basis and as may be necessitated from the outcomes of reviews, audits, feedbacks, system changes and incidents. Such changes will be communicated to the workforce, customers and other stakeholders as may be necessary.

Dapo Omolade 

Managing Director & CEO
10th February, 2024

Hybrid HSE Limited is committed to the highest standard of excellence in service delivery. The same commitment to excellence applies to the manner in which the company discharges its responsibilities for the health and safety of staff, contractors, visitors and all those who may be affected by the company’s activities and operations.

In meeting this commitment, the company acknowledges all applicable local health and safety legislations and also global industry best practices and will take all steps within its power to provide a working and living environment which is healthy and safe for employees, contractors and visitors and other stakeholders. That said, every individual has a duty within the legislations to take care for their own health and safety and take due consideration for the health and safety of others. Compliance with all statutory obligations is a minimum standard. This Policy aims to go beyond this but will only work if there is a total commitment to health and safety by all concerned.

The ultimate responsibility for health and safety within the company rests with the management. A management structure which gives effect to the implementation of the company’s health and safety policy is available. The company recognizes that failures in health and safety management have the potential to damage the human, professional and financial resources of the company. Control of risk is a management responsibility inseparable from other aspects of professional management. To assist in the task of identifying and controlling risk, the company will appoint persons ‘competent to provide advice’ in accordance with the objectives of the company. Each line responsible management must ensure as far as is reasonably practicable that everyone who may be affected by the business of the company is aware of the health and safety arrangements and has adequate information, equipment, instruction, training and supervision to enable hazards and risks to health to be avoided. The company is committed to ensuring that risk assessments are carried out as required by the legislations and other regulations where the need for risk assessment is defined.

All staff in a supervisory position must be familiar with the company’s health and safety policy and recognize that they have responsibility for the health and safety of those whom they supervise. This affirms the company’s view that achieving good health and safety standards is an essential part of good management and supervision. In practice this means leading by example, promoting good working practices, ensuring that all equipment is maintained in safe condition, ensuring that instructions are in place and being followed, reporting accidents/incidents and investigating the causes of accidents in order to identify and implement remedial measures.

Dapo Omolade
Managing Director & CEO
10th February, 2024

Hybrid HSE Limited is committed to sound environmental practices in all our operations. This commitment includes management, all employees, contractors, visitors, suppliers, third parties, the international environment and local community of its location. Our commitment will be in conformity and compliance with all applicable national and international laws and regulations. Our goal is to achieve minimum impact wherever possible to ensure avoidance of negative effects or impacts on the local and international environment and ecology, its employees, third parties and visitors and also on the surrounding host communities as a result of its business decisions and objectives.

The environmental protection policy is to develop and implement an environmental management system as part of its integration of our core systems for the protection of lives and property and will be aligned to best environmental standard practices that focus on controlled impact on the environment.

The company will conduct risk assessments for the environmental aspects of its business and develop procedures to address the system and reduce impacts on the environment. The company will also monitor through inspections and audits to ascertain level of impacts and enable proper control measures to be implemented.

All employees and other stakeholders in our operations will be empowered and encouraged to drive this policy to control and minimize the impact on the environment by ensuring that all works carried out in the business process is established to environmental standards and procedures.

It is the duty of everyone to work in an environmentally friendly manner and corporate with all line supervisory and company initiatives to negate the impacts and effects at all work sites and places of our operations.

We will ensure that our operations comply with the best environmental practices possible and nobody will be forced to work or operate in any unsafe or environmentally unsafe conditions.

Dapo Omolade
Managing Director & CEO
10th February, 2024


  • The purpose of this sustainability policy is to outline how the company will embed sustainability into all its business practices whilst also complying with relevant local legislation and international best practices.


  • Hybrid Group is committed to incorporating sustainability into its actions and practices as part of its responsibility to the community and the environment, as well as promoting a healthy workplace for our staff, customers, and the larger stakeholders. This means promoting connections to the global community and environment through knowledge gained from the business and modeling sustainability in its operations.
  • The company takes the approach that sustainability is an ongoing effort to improve the quality of people’s lives and surroundings. This approach is targeted towards ensuring prosperity, whilst maintaining the life supporting systems that current and future generations depend on.
  • Our sustainability approach will aim for a balance between its three fundamental principles and priorities, and in line with sustainable development goals (SDG): people, planet and profit. As a practical process and actions for achieving this, the environment, social and governance (ESG) tool would be implemented in our business operations.


  • This policy applies to all the company’s business operations and activities, irrespective of locations, its controlled entities and stakeholders associated with it such as staff, customers, visitors, contractors and all other stakeholders

Policy Statement

The company will promote and embed sustainability practices across its business operations through:

  • Leadership: Our resource management activities will be utilised to profile sustainable practices amongst staff, and all stakeholders. Leadership decision on sustainability footprints will be given priority in the business.
  • Demonstrating best practice: the company will integrate sustainability into all its aspects and functions. It will be embedded into all operational policies and procedures, considered in all strategic and operational planning, and enabled through sustainable practices.
  • Shared responsibility: all staff of the company are responsible for our sustainability performance and as such will be made aware of their role through induction, professional development, the provision of necessary resources and ongoing training and awareness. Sustainability will form an important part of key performance indicators as a matter of process over time
  • Global social and community awareness: the company recognises connections to the local and global community and acknowledges that its actions and decisions have the ability to affect others beyond the immediate community. To this end, sustainability will be incorporated into all our business operations and decisions and our reach to the local and global community will be extended through active partnerships and participation;
  • Participation: Staff, student and community participation in decision-making about the company’s activities is valued and will be sought whenever possible in the development and implementation of the company’s sustainability agenda. A range of mechanisms will be established for this purpose inclusive of joint working parties and local sustainability committee.
  • Openness and transparency: Actions and processes will be transparent, and progress against identified indicators and targets will be discussed with staff and all stakeholders on a regular basis. These reports will be documented and available for continuous performance monitoring and performance evaluation.
  • Precautionary Principle: Caution and prudence will guide decisions and the absence of full scientific certainty shall not be used as a reason for postponing measures in the context of sustainability decision
  • Innovation and Creativity: Creative and innovative approaches will be employed to find solutions to and eliminate unsustainable practices in the business.
  • Self-Sufficiency: Where possible, the company will utilise resources generated in the business, with residual needs met using a sustainable procurement policy
  • Whole Systems Approach: A whole systems approach will be implemented to create successful change towards sustainability.
  • Awareness & Education: All persons responsible to implement this policy would receive adequate training and education for awareness on their expectations and deliverables.

Sustainability Strategy

  • Our sustainability strategy will be vital to the development, implementation, and achievement of this policy. The company leadership will commit to this within all aspects of its operations. Several action-based strategies would be developed to ensure that this policy is implemented and given the required supports to achieve the purpose.


  • All company staff and stakeholders have responsibilities to ensure the effective implementation of this policy across all business operations and locations.

Compliance and Breaches

  • The company may commence applicable disciplinary procedures and consequences if a person to whom this policy applies breaches this policy (through any of its related activities).

Dapo Omolade

Managing Director & CEO
November, 2023

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